Truth in American Education- Arizonans fighting the funding of Common Core.
Fight Common Core- Common Core funding fight in Arizona.
American Principles In Action- Tell Arizona House to defund Common Core.
Alabamians United for Excellence in Education.
Colorado- RNC meeting to Stop Common Core (National Education Policy Center).
Conservative Teachers of America.
Florida- Stop Common Core Facebook Page.
Georgia- Stop Common Core.
Idahoans for Local Education.
Indiana- Hoosiers Against Common Core.
Invisible serf collar.
Iowans for Local Control.
Iowa- Truth in American Education.
Michigan-Stop Common Core.
Minnesota- Education Liberty Watch.
Missouri Coalition Against Common Core.
Missouri Education Watchdog.
North Carolina- John Locke Foundation.
New Hampshire- Stop Common Core Facebook Page.
Oklahoma- Restore Public Education.
Pioneer Institute- Public Policy Research.
Tennessee- Stop Common Core in Facebook page.
The Education Action Network.
Utah- Teachers Against Common Core.
Utahans Against Common Core.
The New American- "GOP Blasts Obama-backed National Education Standards " This article states, "Meeting in Los Angeles last week, the Republican National Committee (RNC) unanimously adopted a resolution blasting the 'one size fits all' educational scheme as 'an inappropriate overreach to standardize and control the education of our children so they will conform to a preconceived normal.' Instead of the 'Common Core State Standards' being pushed by the Obama administration using taxpayer-funded bribes, the RNC, echoing the 2012 Republican Party Platform, said it believed in providing 'broad education choices' to parents and children at the state and local level. A free market-based approach to education is best, the resolution continues, adding that it would help students to achieve individual excellence."
Washington Times- "Common Core GED textbook: '9/11 hijackers were poor Afghanis.'" This article states, "Aligning GED with Common Core has the potential of erasing all the efforts and sacrifices the homeschooling parents have put in to protect their children from the centralized indoctrination. You can run but you can't hide from the omnipresent Big Brother: The new GED workbooks and requirements will still drag many of their children through the biased Common Core curriculum."
Alex Jones- "Obama trying to take over public education with 'common core' curriculum that teaches socialism." This article states, "President Obama likes to poke fun at anyone who suggests that he's a closet socialist because that's what socialists do - they ridicule anyone who tries to 'out' them. And yet, every policy he pursues takes a page right out of the socialist/Marxist playbook, and one of them is to ensure that the government controls all forms of education."
The New American Magazine- "Data Mining Students Through Common Core." This article states, "Congressman [Blake] Luetkemeyer [R-Mo.] addressed several issues of concern with Common Core- and in the last half of his letter he emphasized the crux of the problem: data mining....Parents might reasonably assume that the 'personally identifiable information' collected for the database will include students' test scores and perhaps other measures of academic proficiency. But they would be much less likely to imagine that the federal snoopers envision something far more extensive and invasive than merely tracking academic performance."
Women on the Wall Article- "Hogwash Alert to National Review Online." This article states, "I'm calling for a hogwash alert on today's National Review article about Common Core. The ironically titled 'The Truth About Common Core' article cannot be taken seriously. It's written without any links or references for its Common Core-promoting claims, and it's written by two authors whose employers are largely funded by the main funder of all things Common Core. Can anyone take seriously those who praise Common Core while being paid to do so?"
Glenn Beck- "Want to See What CSCOPE and Common Core (Even Homeschooling) Lessons Look Like? These Parents Opened Up to TheBlaze." This article states, "As a greater level of scrutiny is being placed on the controversial curriculum systems CSCOPE (in Texas) and Common Core Standards (nationwide), concerned parents spoke to TheBlaze about their troubling experiences, revealing that not even home-schooling is beyond the reach of these encroaching systems."
The New American Magazine- "Who's Behind the Common Core Curriculum?" This article shows the National Governors Association's (NGA's) and The Council of Chief State School Officer's (CCSSO's) roles in the adoption of Common Core and their role in shaping federal policy decisions for education.
Aim Organization- "Terrorist Bill Ayers and Obama's Federal School Curriculum." This article shows ties of Terrorist Bill Ayers to the Obama Admistration; The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (major funder of Common Core and tied to the United Nations); The Department of Education and Pearson Publishing Company.
Goldwater Institute- "Common Core What Is It Good For?" This article states: "The Gates and Pearson Foundations now have a number of shared initiatives centering around the development of the 'common core curriculum' adopted by over forty of the states. Grover J. 'Russ' Whitehurst, a former director of the U.S. Department of Education's research arm said the Pearson-Gates arrangement represents an 'interesting intertwining' of non-profit and for-profit motives and will undoubtedly prompt questions about 'who profits from the common core.'"
Washington Post- "Teacher: One (Maddening) Day working with Common Core!" This article states: "As we looked through the [Common Core 'The Gettyburg's Address'] exemplar, examined a lesson previously created by some of our colleagues, and then began working on our own Core-related lessons, I was struck by how out of sync the Common Core is with what I consider to be good teaching. I have not yet gotten to the 'core' of the Core, but I have scratched the surface, and I am not encouraged.
Democrats Against Agenda 21 article "Common Core is Agenda 21." This article shows how Common Core is part of the UN's Agenda 21! This article states, "Common Core is the 'new' inventory and control system adopted by nearly every state in the US to fully implement Skinnerian training. This system creates people who will go along to get along, who will be 'good obedient citizens'. RESIST. TELL YOUR SCHOOL BOARD THAT YOU WANT OUT OF COMMON CORE. This is a top down federal/global system for pseudo-education and is a tremendous threat to our independence as individuals and as a nation."
The New American- "UN Summit: Transforming Your Kids into 'Climate Change Agents.'" This article shows the goals of the United Nations to make all of our students 'good climate agents.'
The New American- "Obama Bribes States to Adopt National Education Curriculum." This article shows how Obama bribes states to sign up for Common Core with Race-to-the-top (RTTP) grants and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waivers."
AZ Central- "AZ to get a waiver for No Child Left Behind." This article shows how AZ received its No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waiver."
SHIELD Organization- "How Is Common Core Good For Arizona Again?" This article shows how Common Core was implemented in our state.
Michelle Malkin- "Propagandizing the Plebs: The Common Core Curriculum Meets The GED" This article states: "Aligning GED with Common Core has the potential of erasing all the efforts and sacrifices the homeschooling parents have put in to protect their children from the centralized indoctrination. You can run but you can't hide from the omnipresent Big Brother: the new GED workbooks and requirements will still drag many of their children through the biased Common Core curriculum."
Michelle Malkin- "Rotten to the Core: Obama's War on Academic Standards- Part 1." This article states: "Under President Obama, these top-down mal-formers - empowered by Washington education bureaucrats and backed by misguided liberal philanthropists led by billionaire Bill Gates- are now presiding over a radical makeover of your children's school curriculum. It's being done in the name of federal 'Common Core' standards that do anything but raise achievement standards."
Michelle Malkin- "Rotten to the Core (Part 2): Readin' Writin' and Deconstructionism." This article states: "Thanks to the 'Common Core' regime, funded with President Obama's stimulus dollars and bolstered by duped Republican governors and business groups, deconstructionism is back in style. Traditional literature is under fire. Moral relativism is increasingly the norm. 'Standards' is Orwell-speak for subjectivity and lowest common denominator pedagogy."
Michelle Malkin- "Rotten to the Core (Part 1): Obama's War on Academics." This article states: "Under President Obama, these top-down mal-formers - empowered by Washington education bureaucrats and backed by misguided liberal philanthropists led by billionaire Bill Gates - are now presiding over a radical makeover of your children's school curriculum. It's being done in the name of federal 'Common Core' standards that do anything but raise achievement standards."
Heritage Foundation- "Common Core Standards' Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking." This article shows how the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) will not make our student more college ready, will not make our students better analytical thinkers and these standards were not internationally bookmarked.
The Report Card- "Common Core Standards: Improvement in Academic K-12 Standards or Just Big Government Control? Part 1" This article states: "Pioneer has published a series of research papers showing that the state's adoption of national standards weakens the quality of academic content in Massachusetts' classrooms, and raising serious questions about the legality and the costs of Common Core."
Glenn Becks- The Blaze- "Is the 'Common Core' Initiative Dumbing Down America's Students?" This article states: "With reportedly nearly every state in the union - adopting similar education programs, Common Core is influenced by successes in other countries and was never drafted with full scrutiny from the public. Beck added that states had a mere two months to commit to the plan during summer months in which state legislators were out of session. Meanwhile, the federal government is, Beck noted, encouraging states to adopt Common Core. States that adopt common core can, according to Beck, receive waivers of the most demanding provisions in the No Child Left Behind Act."
Goldwater Institute Article- "Common Core standards drive schools off cliff." This article states that: "States across the U.S. have been assembled and are running off of a cliff in the name of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Arizona and 45 other states signed on to the new standards, though few in state legislatures or the general public know what the standards will require."
Eagle Forum Article- "Common Core Standards Aren't Cheap." This article from Eagle Forum states how "Numerous states currently struggling in the midst of steep education budget cuts may have more fiscal problems than they realize. Though 45 states rushed to adopt Common Core standards in the past two years, many have not taken the time to evaluate what the adoption of these standards will cost them."
"Accountability Works: Common Core Cost Study Paper." This white paper study shows it will cost $16 billion across the states to implement Common Core!