

On this News page you can find out what currently is going on to "Restore Local Control" over standards and the statewide assessment in our state. All previous presentations are posted here on How we adopted Common Core- "Common Core Rotten to the Core"; "What is Wrong with Common Core?"; Data Mining happening on our children- "Our Children Are Not for Sale"; and Education Updates are all posted here for you to educate yourselves and those around you on why we want state control over our standards, assessment and protection of our student data. Updates are also posted periodically on what is happening with Common Core across the nation as well.


A Parental Rights Rally will be held on October 17th, 10:30am-12pm, at the Arizona State Capitol. Here is an opportunity for all of us to come together to talk about our Parental Rights and how they have been ignored and trampled on with the implementation of The Common Core System in our state= Standards + High-Stake Testing + Data Mining. For all of those who wish to share their stories about Common Core in the classroom, AzMERIT testing, etc., and how you feel your parental rights have been violated we are providing a microphone for you to speak! If you would like to speak at this event contact Azschoolchoice at cox.net


Governor Ducey called a meeting on April 28, 2015 to meet with "Arizonans Against Common Core," "Opt Out AZ," and the rest of the "Mommy Lobby" who are actively fighting Common Core and he wants our organizations involved in the process to "Remove and Replace Common Core." This meeting was attended by Jennifer Reynolds, Gina Ray, Lisa Fink, Lisa Hudson, Anita Christy and the Governor's staff- Governor Ducey, Laddie Shane, JP Twist and Dawn Wallace. State Board of Education members, Jared Taylor and Chuck Schmidt were also in attendance.

Governor Doug Ducey

Christine Thompson, SBE Executive Director

Dawn Wallace, Governor's Education Policy Advisor

Governor Ducey reminded everyone that he had asked the State Board of Education to begin the work of "Replacing Common Core in Arizona" at the State Board of Education (SBE) meeting on March 23, 2015. Christine Thompson, Executive Director of the SBE, and Dawn Wallace, Governor Ducey's Education Policy Advisor, drafted the process to "Replace Common Core" which was voted on during the April 27, 2015 State Board of Education meeting by the 11 members of the board (Michael Crow was not present for this vote so it was a 9-1 vote).The SBE process to "Review and Replace Common Core" is supposed to be completed by the end of the 2015-2016 school year.

Governor Ducey made it very clear that he wanted to "Get Rid of Common Core" NOT "Rebrand Common Core." He wants Arizona's children to have something of value after 12 years of education, and he indicated that he wants all of our Anti-Common Core Groups to be an active part of the process to create high-quality, "Arizona Standards."To read more about this meeting read the article on "Gilbert Watch" entitled "Gov. Ducey to Arizona Citizens: 'Please Get Involved in the Process to Remove and Replace Common Core.'"

* "Education Update- August 2015" presented by Jennifer Reynolds.

* Share this presentation with your family, neighbors, school boards, etc. These Education Updates change every month so come back often!*

* Common Core Anthem, AZ Conference- "What is Wrong With Common Core?" presented by Gina Ray, Anita Christy and Lisa Fink.

* Share this presentation with your family, neighbors, school boards, etc. This presentation is updated periodically so check here for the latest presentation.*

* Common Core Conference- "Our Children Are Not For Sale!" presented by Jennifer Reynolds.

* Share this presentation with your family, neighbors, school boards, etc. This presentation is updated periodically so check here for the latest presentation.*

* "Common Core- Rotten to the Core Presentation" presented by Jennifer Reynolds (Read only).

* Share this presentation with your family, neighbors, school boards, etc. Jennifer Reynolds updates this presentation periodically so check here for the latest presentation.*

* "What is Wrong with Common Core?" presented by Gina Ray.

* Share this presentation with your family, neighbors, school boards, etc. Gina Ray updates this presentation periodically so check here for the latest presentation.*

*Hand out Common Core Education Fliers from the Fliers page.

* NY presentation by Lisa Christiansen, Lisa Johnson and Jodi Kohli- "Common Core- Do you know what you are biting into?"

This presentation has a lot of great research on the funding and companies behind Common Core, Pearson's plans for our children and the connection of Common Core to UNESCO.*

* "The Cloud Institute for Sustainable Education."

This presentation shows the goals of the United Nations for our children's education and their connection to Common Core.*


* Thirty-two States are in the process of submitting bills to reject Common Core as of March 20, 2015! Arizona is included in this number. Yea!!! Open document below to see a complete listing of the State's bills as of 3/20/15. *

* "Legislation would block Alabama from implementing national curriculum standards (updated)." A copy of the Alabama's bills (HB254) and (SB190) are here.

* Florida- "Education leaders worry schools won't be ready for new standards."

* "Bill introduced in Georgia to stop Common Core." and A copy of the Georgia's bill (SB163) is here.

* "Colorado Board of Education Hears Common Core Critics."

* "Common core ed standards face hearing in [Idaho's] House committee."

* "Indiana Bill Will Mandate Assessment and Public Input of Common Core." and A copy of Indiana's bill (SB193) is here.

Indianapolis Star- "Indiana Supreme Court upholds school vouchers."

The Foundry- "Governor Pence Pauses Indiana Common Core Standards."

* "Anti-Common Core Bill Filed Introduced In Kansas." and A copy of the Kansas's bill (HB2289) is here.

* "Louisiana SCR 68 Requests State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Education to withdraw from the Common Core State Standards Initiative and cease all activities related to implementation of such standards."

* "Anti-Common Core Bill Almost Ready to Go in Michigan House."

The Foundry- "Michigan Budget Battle Provides Opportunity to Reject Common Core National Standards."

* "Anti-Common Core Bill Filed in Missouri House." and A copy of the Missouri's bill (HB616) is here.

* ** NOTE: In U.S. Map above, Minnesota adopted the Common Core English Standards but not the Math Standards.**

* New York submitted legislation to Stop Common Core (6/13/13)- Senate Bill 79954.

* North Carolina Senate introduced in their budget language that requires the State Board of Education have the legislature approve any expenditures related to the Common Core and their assessments. This language is backed up in their Excellent Public Schools Act of 2013.

* Ohio is having a budget battle over the Common Core State Standards, after the Ohio House stripped funding for PARCC from their budget.

* Oklahoma- "Student Data Mining, How Much Data Is Enough?"

* Pennsylvania Senators urge for "slow down" of Common Core which led Governor Tom Corbett to sign an executive order delaying the Common Core implementation. (Still need legislative action so this is permanent).

* "South Carolina State Senator Mike Fair Warns About Common Core Testing."

* "Anti-Common Core Bill Clears South Dakota House Education Committee." and A copy of the South Dakota's bill (HB1204) is here.

* Tennessee Against Common Core website.

* "Common Core Propaganda Bill in Utah House."


If you have any questions, please e-mail Our website coordinator at AZSchoolChoice at cox.net