


Check out our youtube channel (click linked header up above)! New videos are posted often so come and visit to see what is new!


* Fourth grade student, Sydney Smoot, speaks out at the Hernando Country School Board on the impacts of state testing. This is an excellent example of the damage that is being caused to students and teachers through high-stakes testing!

* "Common Core Dangers and Threats to American Liberty and Education." The John Birch Society presentation given by Dr. Duke Pesta- Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, and Academic Director, FreedomProject Education (FPEUSA.org). An excellent overview of Common Core!

* "Common Core Math" by the Centennial Institute. An excellent example of how Common Core Math will "dumb down" students!

* Education Secretary Arne Duncan criticizes "White Suburban Moms for trying to Stop Common Core" because he said "all of a sudden, [these moms realize] their child isn't as brilliant as they thought they were."

* Stop Common Core is a "Mom's Movement!"

* Our Children Are Not For Sale!

* Two UT Mom's Against Common Core.

* A teacher describes why she left teaching in public schools...Common Core .

* New York 5th grader, Oliva Valentine, speaks out against Common Core.

* Arkansas, 15-yr-old, Pat Richardson Connects the Dots about the Dangers of Common Core.

* TN Students, Ethan Young, Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations, and Educational Data.

* This one is for fun! :) Julie Borowski talks about "The Truth About Common Core."


* Infowars- Your kids belong to the collective!

* OVERRULED Movie: Government Invasion of Your Parental Rights!

* Agenda: Grinding Down America!

* Captivated The Movie.

* Indoctrination: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America.


* Aaron Bencome testifies in Senate Education Committee on March 20, 2015 for HB2190 (Common Core Repeal and Replace)! Great job Aaron speaking out for all Arizona students and the "dumbing down" occurring under Common Core!

* "Arizonans Against Common Core" Common Core Forum with Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Dr. James Milgram, Ze'ev Wurman, and candidate for State Superintendent Diane Douglas and candidate for Governor Frank Riggs (August 2, 2014).

* Jennifer Reynolds and Wes Harris- Common Core, Rotten to the Core- Prescott Tea Party Presentation (April 2013).

* Dr. William McCallum testimony at the American Math Society Meeting, San Franciso, CA, January 2010. He admits the Common Core Math standards do not meet international expectations and they are not at a level that our children should aspire to.

* Watch the Common Core Senate Education hearing (Standards Symposium) that was held on 10/30/13. Dr. Sandra Stotsky, former Common Core Validation Committee Member (leading expert on Common Core); Jared Taylor, Heritage Academy Business Manager; Jonathan Butcher, from the Goldwater Institute; and John Huppenthal, Superintendent of Public Instruction speak on Common Core concerns in our state.


* Gilbert School Board Member, Julie Smith, Asks Huppenthal To Pull Arizona Out Of Common Core.

* LD25 Meeting- Speakers in favor of Common Core Standards: Michelle Udall, MPS Governing Board Member, and Lori Nielsen, Teacher. Speaker against Common Core Standards: Diane Douglas, former Peoria USD Board Member.

* Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, visits Arizona- September 12, 2014.

* Craig Barrett- Member of Thunderbird School of Global Management (A United Nations Global Compact Organization)!

* John Huppenthal- China Trip Paid for by Pearson!

* Crossroads with Van / Part 1 AZ Speaks Out on Common Core- 5/6/13. My guests today are Jennifer Reynolds of Arizonans Against Common Core & Cassandra Calkins Mooneyham of Mohave County Against Common Core, I hope you'll all pass this on as we intend to pass on a Great Deal of Information to all our listeners to Protect the Children from the Unwanted Government System of Brain Washing them, so please pass it on and log into the show.

* Crossroads with Van / Part 2 AZ Speaks Out on Common Core- 5/8/13. My guests today are Jennifer Reynolds of Arizonans Against Common Core & Cassandra Calkins Mooneyham of Mohave County Against Common Core, I hope you'll all pass this on as we intend to pass on a Great Deal of Information to all our listeners to Protect the Children from the Unwanted Government System of Brain Washing them, so please pass it on and log into the show.


* Building the Machine- The Common Core Documentary by the Home Schooling Legal Defense Association.

* "Are Common Core Standards Developmentally Appropriate?" -Dr. Megan Koschnick

* Mary Calamia, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in NY, reviews Common Core Standards' affect on children. Includes dramatic examples of self-multilation in children as these standards were introduced.

* Rep. Marlin Stutzman, from Indiana State, "Common Core is Not the Answer."

* Lead Common Core Math Writer, Jason Zimba, calls Common Core "college readiness" definition "a fuzzy definition" and is a minimal requirement for students to pass up to a course in Algebra II.

* Lead Common Core Math Writer, Jason Zimba, admits Common Core Math standards will not prepare our students for a 4-yr college in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

* Common Core: Dangers And Threats To American Liberty And Education (Freedom Education Project).

* Common Core wrong math answers are just fine- 3x4=11.

* "Pearson's Vision" for our children: A complete 'Digitally-Connected Learning' environment, tracking of our children, and a Pre-determined Career Path. JUST SAY NO- This is AMERICA!

* Screen capture from above video that was removed by Pearson to cover up the "Pre-determined Career Path."

* Ron Paul- "Common Core Nationalizes and Dumbs Down Curriculum."

* Utah- Indoctrination in Common Core ELA Texts.

* California's Americans for Prosperity- Common Core is Rotten to the Core.

* Math Education- An Inconvenient Truth.

* Ben Swann Exposes Common Core Curriculum.

* Common Core State Standards - An Introduction To Marxism 101.

* Georgia- Stop Common Core- Videos (1-5):

Part 1 of 5 Stop the Common Core

Part 2 of 5 Stop the Common Core

Part 3 of 5 Stop the Common Core

Part 4 of 5 Stop the Common Core

Part 5 of 5 Stop the Common Core

Georgia- You tube Channel DVD (complete set of above videos)

* Dr. Sandra Stotsky- Common Core Validation Committee Member:

Common Core Testimony Before The Select Committee On State Sovereignty (Texas).

* Indiana- Hooisers Against Common Core:

Robert Scott Testimony 2-6-2013- Part 1.

Robert Scott Testimony 2-6-2013- Part 2.

* Two Utah Mom's Against Common Core:


* The Danger of Common Core- The curriculum is bad, no state's rights and student data mining!

* The Whole Story on Common Core.

* Common Core background: Race-To-The-Top and Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems.

* Urgent Message on Common Core: You have to take a stand!


* UNA21: Sustainable Development Manipulation 1 of 6:

* UNA21: Sustainable Development Manipulation 2 of 6:

* UNA21: Sustainable Development Manipulation 3 of 6:

* UNA21: Sustainable Development Manipulation 4 of 6:

* UNA21: Sustainable Development Manipulation 5 of 6:

* UNA21: Sustainable Development Manipulation 6 of 6:


* Charlotte Iserbyt:

Deliberate Dumbing-Down of the World.

The Miseducation of America Part 1- Full.

School Choice is Cover for Communist Indoctrination.


If you would like to Become a member of the "Arizonans Against Common Core" team and help us educate Arizona residents about Common Core, please e-mail Our website coordinator at AZSchoolChoice at cox.net